Regardless of how many years you and your lover may have been together… Your possible lack of sexual experience… Yes, this will even work if you’re still a virgin… Or even if you are certain that after sleeping with you, women have had a good laugh behind your back… But, there is a catch… Listen, You’ve probably noticed over the last few years, that more and more women have been proudly coming out as bi-sexual, or simply admitting that they enjoy fooling around with other women from time to time… The reason for this, isn’t because they want to try and impress guys by showing off at parties, or on the dance floor… And it certainly isn’t because the idea of going home with men is no longer appealing… It’s because women are simply better in bed than 99% of all guys out there. We know each others bodies so well, that anytime I squirm… moan… or grab at the sheets… she knows exactly what to do next, to take that amazing sensation completely over the top. While on the other hand, most men just flop around for a few minutes… Shoot their load… And then get us drenched in their sweat, before rolling over and passing out.
And I realized that absolutely any guy out there has the potential to be the kind of amazing lover, most women only ever read about in romance novels. I remember touching down at Los Angeles International Airport with the guy I was dating at the time, Darnel. We were in LA because Darnel was going to try out for the Lakers, and I wanted to support him. Well, almost immediately, he started treating me like complete crap. At first I thought it was because he was nervous about his tryouts, but it just kept getting worse. He was insulting me in public, disrespecting my family, and pretty much just being straight up jackass. One night I decided I had enough, and I stormed out. I got my friends Emily and Samantha and we went out to a night club to shake out butts and forget about that loser ex-boy friend of mine. While we’re on the dance floor, this guy named Tom approached me and offered to buy me a drink. We got to talking and he turned out to be a really nice guy. However he was skinny as a twig, and about 2 inches shorter than me. And coming from dating a 6’8” very well build man, this new guy was not exactly what I was used to… But we kept dancing all night, and after my 8th or 9th shot of tequila, Emily and Samantha finally convinced me to get back at Darnel by going home with Tom. We got back to his place and as the clothes started coming off, I thought that maybe Tom had a bit too much to drink, since he was quite a bit smaller than I was expecting… down there… And from the looks of it, I couldn’t tell if he even had an erection or not. By this point I was starting to have second thoughts about sleeping with him, but I decided to through it it anyway… And holy crap, and I glad that I did! Tom knew exactly how to use what god gave him, to make each and every position feel more amazing to me than it ever had before… Look, every penis in the world, no matter the size, shape, or even the angle of the erection has the potential to make your favorite positions feel mind blowingly-orgasmic, as long as you’re aware of what you’re doing.
The orgasm I had from that alone was something I’ll remember for the rest of my life… Plus, since this was a brand new variation on one of my all time favorite positions, the entire sensation was exciting and a lot of fun. And considering he was able to achieve this same amazing effect from every position we used, is there any wonder why I simply couldn’t get enough of him? But, there’s one more piece of the puzzle you’ll need to be aware of, if you truly desire to become her fantasy lover… When Leann returned home from Los Angeles, she came over to my apartment to catch up. And like usual, the conversation very quickly turned to sex… She told me all about Tom, and his amazing skills in bed… And I had to admit… I was a bit jealous… For the last few months I was only sleeping with women, since the sex is almost always much better… women are more turned on by fantasy, and how you can stimulate our imaginations more than anything else… For us, it’s all about the journey… The sex is just the icing on the cake… Unfortunately, hardly any men in the world realize this… Instead, they’ll say something cheesy like “Baby, I’m gonna leave you sore for a week…” Spend 5 minutes on foreplay… And then pound away until they are out of breath, and ready to finish… Then after the guy has collapsed on the bed, I’ve got to clean myself off and bring him a glass of water before he passes out.
And after a full year of non-stop planning, and hard work; we are finally ready to open the doors and allow you to join a small group of students dedicated to not just becoming an amazing lover… But transform yourself in to the man that most women would fight for the chance to be with… Weather you’re single and looking to have fun with countless young ladies… Been in a long term committed relationship for a number of years, and want to give your lover the kind of incredible sex she deserves… Or anywhere in between…
Now, no woman wants her friends and other people around her to think she’s just some big slut who will sleep with anybody… On top of that, she definitely doesn’t want to regret going back to you place… Or feeling as though you tricked her in some way… This means that her deciding to go home with you or not is almost always in jeopardy right up un till the very last minute… So to help you overcome this obstacle each and every time, we’re going to share with you exactly what to say and how to say it, to give her the perfect excuses she needs to get down and dirty with you, without ever having to look bad in front of her friends, or feel as if she’s made a mistake… And the best part is, when done correctly she will feel as if it was entirely her decision the whole time… ![]() And now that you’re going to have no problem getting her sex drive higher than yours, it’s time to master some of the most amazing foreplay techniques she’ll ever experience..
![]() Now that we’ve covered how to make virtually any woman so hot and horny, she won’t be able to control her sexual desire for you… As well as a ton of the most orgasmic foreplay techniques she’s ever experienced, it’s time to really start having fun… Module 3 is all about transforming yourself in to one of those rare, world-class lovers all women desperately crave… Remember a few moments ago when we discussed how simply knowing the positions and variations that work best for your body, any guy could learn how to make his cock feel like the most satisfying one in the world, to just about any woman alive? Well I hope you’re ready to take notes, because you’re going to discover over 50 amazing positions, that were designed to get you those incredible results, right from the very first time you use them. But don’t worry about feeling overwhelmed at any point… We’ll be teaching you each of these positions will full demonstrations on each other, to make sure you see exactly how to perform each one… Just some of what you’re going to discover Includes:
![]() Module 4 is all about bringing your hottest sexual fantasies into reality. There is nothing that can kill a sexual relationship faster than going through the same old boring routines in bed night after night. As we’ve already discussed, women crave variety and excitement more than anything else, and we’re sure you do too… But when you’re in a relationship for any amount of time, the sex can become more of a chore than an exciting romp… So we want to help and make sure that each of your sexual experiences are more fun and exciting than the previous one… If you’ve never indulged in sexual role-play or fantasy, you don’t know what you’re missing. The idea is to escape your everyday routines by stepping in to the role of someone new. The more you let yourself go, the more real it becomes… and before you know it, you’re going to find yourself experiencing all the sexy situations you and your lover only just fantasize about… Imagine how it’s going to feel when you’re the rich and powerful CEO of a large corporation, and your secretary messes up a very important report you’ve been working on for weeks… Now she’s going to have to make it up to you, any way you instruct her to… Or what about when the girl you’re supposed to be tutoring in anatomy, just simply isn’t getting it… And you decide to come up with some creative new ways for her to learn all about how the body works… And what’s going to happen when the new neighbor who just moved in down the block, needs some help around the house… Only she doesn’t have any money to pay you… So it’s up to you to figure out how she can compensate you for all the work you’ve done for her. As much fun as scenario’s like these can be, they involve a ton of tiny nuances you’ll need to be aware of if you ever expect them to be as hot as you and your lover imagine… But don’t worry, because we’re going to walk you through them all step-by-step… And to make it even more enjoyable, we’ve designed this module in such a way that you and your lover can watch it together and act it out along side us… Or learn everything on your own, and play the role of naughty teacher later that night when you surprise her… Oh, and don’t think that we’re just going to be teaching you the three scenarios we just described for you… In fact, you’re going to discover over a dozen hot and steamy fantasy games to enjoy… This way, you’ll know that the sex will always be new and exciting, each and every time… ![]() Now that you’ve gotten a small taste of just some of the incredible techniques and secrets you’re going to discover in the Fantasy Lover Formula, we want to ask you a serious question… What would it be worth to you to know that you finally have the power to give virtually any woman on the planet, the kind of sexual pleasure she’s only ever dreamt of? how much would you pay to posses the skills of the greatest lover alive, starting today… and for the rest of your life? We don’t want to sound like we’re bragging or anything… But we’re not some amateurs who are just here to give you same old lousy advice you’ve seen in magazines numerous times… And now it’s your turn to take our knowledge and experience, and download it all right to your brain… When we’ve taught this exact system to private clients in the past, we’ve charged upwards of $4,000 for just a single night of coaching… And that didn’t include any of the bonus gifts, or continued follow up coaching that would otherwise bring the total value up to over $4,400.00… But we certainly don’t want price to be something that holds you back from enjoying a lifetime of the love, romance and passion you deserve… We sat down with a friend of ours, who’s a marketing whiz at a major entertainment publishing company… and after reviewing our system; he said that we’d be stupid if we asked for anything less than $250.00 for it… But when you act right now, you’re not going to pay anywhere near that price… You’re not even going to pay $125.00, which would have half that price… It’ll only take a few seconds, and once you do, you’ll be taken to our private members area where you can access all of your training immediately! This means, you can start down your path to the amazing love and sex life you truly deserve in less than 2 minutes from now…
If you don’t immediately start enjoying the most fun, exciting and passionate sex of your life… or if you’re just not 100% satisfied for any reason, just email us to let us know, and we’ll gladly refund every penny. You owe it to yourself and the man you love, to unlock your true sexual potential, and start turning your fantasies and desires in to your reality… Beginning today, and for the rest of your life. And when you do, you’re going to notice your whole world start to change. She’s going to start looking at you differently – The same way the next lucky lady looks at James Bond in all of his movies, right before he throw her on the bed and gives her the most passionate night of sex she’s ever experienced… And she won’t be able to keep her hands off of you… Once you are able to sexually satisfy her mind and body, your lover is going to know that there is no other man alive who is a better fit for her… And she’s going to want to ‘return the favor’ at every opportunity. Join us, and the other lucky select few guys just like you, who have already learned the secrets to transforming yourself in to one of the greatest lovers on the planet… And gotten to enjoy the most mind-blowing sex of their lives in the process. Order the Fantasy Lover Formula right now for only $67, and start enjoying the incredibly passionate sex you’ve always desired.
You owe it to yourself, and your lover to to start turning all your sexual fantasies in to reality… Beginning right now… Remember, you’ve been missing out for far too long… And if you don’t take action, it’s only going to lead to more boring and unsatisfying sex… Yet all of this can change the minute you start applying the “instant-satisfaction” techniques you can only find in the Fantasy Lover Formula training course…
Dear friend,
Let’s be honest for a moment… you’re here because you want to fire up your sex life like never before & grow closer to your lover in the process.
You’ve been together for a while and the sex simply isn’t what it used to be…
In the beginning you would enjoy spending hours exploring every inch of each others bodies, but now you attempt to not admit to yourself that the 15 minutes of sex you have (twice a week) has been stale for as long as you can remember…
To make matters worse, both you and your lover probably fantasize about getting to experience number of new and exciting things in bed, but…
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#cc0000″]As We All Know, The Longer Things Remain The Same — The Harder They Are To Change![/headline_arial_medium_centered]This means that your lover continues growing more resentful and less satisfied with every passing day.
Have you noticed any of the following unfortunate
downturns take place in your relationship?
Well don’t worry for even one more minute, because after today…
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#cc0000″]Your Love And Sex Life Will Never Be The Same Again![/headline_arial_medium_centered]
Maybe you’ve heard other people make you that same promise before, only to be left with nothing but a bad taste in your mouth…
And believe me, I’m just as upset by them as you…
Most of the time, those authors have no idea what they are talking about, and basically just copy one another…
It’s nothing more than the blind leading the blind…
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#cc0000″]Enjoying An Amazing Sex Life That Only Gets Better Over Time Comes Down To Two Things:[/headline_arial_medium_centered]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”]
Incorporate new and exciting practices in to your sex life as often as possible…
By making sure you are always changing things up a bit and trying to experience new sensations you will quickly discover things you both absolutely love…
AND you’ll ensure that your sex life never feels boring and repetitive again!
Master your favorite tricks and techniques…
By taking a little time to refine your skills, you will be able to provide your lover with more pleasure than ever before…
This means more sheet-ripping, full-body orgasms for you both to enjoy each and every time…
[/content_box_light_blue]And that’s where I come in…
My name is Isabella Stone and in all my years as a sex educator, the one issue I’ve helped more couples with than anything else is how to keep your sex life new, fun, exciting, and always improving!
After months of researching and speaking with countless men and women, I create the ultimate resource to help you do just that, by combining the TOP 6 hottest and most desired sex practices.
and now, for the first time ever, I am ready to present to you:
Each month you will receive a brand new book that covers an entire aspect of your sex life from start to finish…
Weather if you’ve always wanted to experiment with role playing, sex toys, erotic massage or a number of other topics you will have the perfect resource for how to master each one in the fastest and easiest way possible!
So instead of staying up late at night worrying that your lover had to go to bed unsatisfied once again, you will get to enjoy growing closer to them while experiencing the most amazing sex of your lives…
And while you may have tried out some of these subjects in the past, I am going to walk you through the doorway to becoming an expert in them faster than you could possibly imagine.
To give you a little more information on exactly how we are going to transform your sex life once and for all, let’s take a closer look at exactly what each book contains:
[text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Book 1: The Ecstasy of Erotic Massage[/text_bar_3] [content_box_blue width=”94.5%”] [two_columns_1]Do you or your lover struggle to relax enough to really enjoy sex?
Do you miss the feel of your lover’s touch, or the look of pleasure on your face when you touch them in just the right way?
This book is your guide to a new and exciting way to relax your lover and yourself, enjoy learning new things about each other’s erotic body, find new ways to please each other and incorporate these discoveries in to your sex life.
Just some of what you’re going to discover includes:
[/two_columns_2] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Chapter 1: The Essence of Erotic Massage[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [green_tick_1_list width=”100%”][text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Book 2: Sex Toys[/text_bar_3] [content_box_blue width=”94.5%”] [two_columns_1]
There is a pervading myth among those who have yet to experience the awesome power of sex toys.
Have you ever felt like there is something missing from your sex life?
Wondered how to keep things magical and alive?
Sex toys are your key to all kinds of erotic doors. Reading this book will help you unlock those doors and navigate between them.
In this eBook, you’re going to discover how to:
[/two_columns_2] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Chapter 1: Variety Is The Spice Of Life[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [green_tick_1_list width=”100%”][text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Book 3: Backdoor Fun[/text_bar_3] [content_box_blue width=”94.5%”] [two_columns_1]
Mind-blowing sex is in your grasp. Whether you’re completely fed up hearing about other peoples amazing sex life, or maybe you’re just looking to use some new moves with a new lover, don’t worry for another minute...
Exploring anal sex is a fantastic way to liven up your sex life, introduce new moves and techniques and explore your deepest fantasies.
Just a sample of what you’re going to discover includes:
[/two_columns_2] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Chapter 1: Anal Sex To Spice up Your Sex Life[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [green_tick_1_list width=”100%”][text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Book 4: Role Play & Fantasy Fun[/text_bar_3] [content_box_blue width=”94.5%”] [two_columns_1]
The bedroom is the playground in which our deepest fantasies can be realized.
Whether you are single and looking to explore your fantasies and sexuality, or if you are in a relationship and want some tips on how to ‘keep the fire alive’, this book will teach you in five simple chapters how to satisfy you and your lovers desires.
You are about to discover how to:
[/two_columns_2] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Chapter 1: Role Play For Romance[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [green_tick_1_list width=”100%”][text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Book 5: Sex Games[/text_bar_3] [content_box_blue width=”94.5%”] [two_columns_1]
In this book you will find not only dozens of great games that you can play with your lover right now, but also a guide to games you can purchase and games you can play online even when you are far apart.
Just some of what you’re going to discover includes:
[/two_columns_2] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Chapter 1: Board And Card Games[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [green_tick_1_list width=”100%”][text_bar_3 background=”#F0F0F0″ + width=”100%”]Book 6: Threesomes![/text_bar_3] [content_box_blue width=”94.5%”] [two_columns_1]
Welcome to the ultimate threesome guide… A book designed to help you express your desire for a threesome, engage with a partner in the planning and communicate with the perfect person to help you realize this desire!
Have you been dreaming of a threesome for years and building the magical night up in your mind?
As you read through the four parts of this book, you will learn four very important aspects to manifesting your threesome dream:[/two_columns_2] [headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Chapter 1: Understand The Obstacles[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#cc0000″]NEVER Suffer Through The Same Old Boring And Unfulfilling Sex Again![/headline_arial_medium_centered]
These books were designed from the ground up to help you…
[black_arrow_list width=”100%”]$200, $100, $50?
In fact, your total investment in The Erotic Society is free for the first 5 days, then $39.95 a month! So for the price of a cheap dinner for two (without drinks), you could bring all new fun and exciting skills to your bedroom and spice things up for years.
[content_box_yellow width=”75%”] OR
The Choice Is Yours:
For the same price you could either have a boring meal that’s over and gone in just a few minutes… Or you can have a lifetime of amazing and fulfilling sex that just keeps getting better and better.
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#cc0000″]Here’s How To Gain Access To The Erotic Society[/headline_arial_medium_centered] [two_columns_1]
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Once you have ordered on the secure server, you will be given access to our private members area where you download your first book right away.
Every month your next book will automatically be unlocked, and all you’ll need to do is log in and download it.
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